Tips for Post-Workout Recovery

A Women making yoga pose for fitness conditioning

Working out is the process of breaking down your muscle fibers. After the workout, during the recovery, is when new muscle protein synthesis and growth really happen, a.k.a the results. That means, what you do in your recovery could either support or detract from the results you’re looking for from your exercise routine.

Keep these 3 tips in mind when planning your recovery days and feel your body thank you:

  1. Replenish and Refuel

A key tip in proper recovery is making sure you stay properly hydrated during and after your workouts, with careful attention to including electrolytes. Consuming healthy proteins and carbs post-workout is also essential to helping muscles recover and replenish proper stores of energy. 

2. Rest, But Include Active Recovery

Rest days are crucial for your body, no doubt. But, incorporating gentle movement during your rest days, as well as just relaxing, is important for waste and toxin removal in the body and proper refueling of muscles. Activities like walking, gentle swimming, yin, or restorative yoga are perfect. 

3. Support Quality Sleep

Much of the recovery and repair in the body happens during and because of good quality sleep. Maintaining a consistent sleep/wake schedule, avoiding blue light at night, and incorporating relaxing activities as a part of an evening wind-down routine are all tips for improving the quality of sleep you may be having. 

Join our May Summer Camp Challenge

If you are already incorporating awesome post-workout recovery tools, or plan to begin now, join us for our May 2022 Summer Camp Challenge and get points for prizes without changing a thing! 

Other categories to gather points in include; shopping locally, attending Fulcrum classes, making healthy recipes, getting outside, attending challenge events, and bringing a friend to class!

If you’re a member, it’s free, and if you’re new, it’s free with a discounted month of May membership purchase for only $97! Get more information and sign up for the summer camp challenge, here.

Visit our sources here, here, and here.


How Going to the Gym Can Boost Your Mental Health


Mask Update 3/23