Build a Strong Back with this 20-Minute Inverted Row Blitz

Personal Trainer at Fulcrum Fitness Gym showing cues for TRX inverted row

Hey everyone, Coach B here! Are you ready to sculpt a stronger, more defined back? This quick and effective workout focuses on the inverted row, a fantastic bodyweight exercise that targets your lats, traps, and biceps. In just 20 minutes, you'll get your back burning and build some serious pulling power.

What You'll Need:

  • A rack and barbell or a TRX

  • A set of dumbells

  • A resistance band

Warm Up (3 sets of each exercise):

  • Shoulder Pass Throughs (x10):

    This dynamic warmup loosens up your shoulders and prepares them for pulling motions.

  • Scap Push Ups (x10):

    This exercise strengthens your upper back and improves posture.

  • Hallow Hold (30 seconds):

    Engage your core and stabilize your spine with this isometric hold.

Working Sets (5 sets of each exercise):

  • Inverted Rows (5-10 reps):

    The star of the show! This bodyweight exercise can be challenging, so start with a number of reps you can perform with good form. Here's a quick tip: focus on pulling yourself up with your back muscles, not your hands/arms.

  • Skull Crushers (10 reps):

    Don't forget to isolate those triceps! This exercise helps to sculpt and define the backs of your arms.

Run Out the Clock (until time runs out):

Perform each exercise for as many sets as possible in the remaining time, pushing yourself but maintaining good form.

  • Band Pull Aparts (10 reps):

    This quick exercise strengthens your shoulders and helps improve posture. Use a resistance band for added difficulty.

  • Leg Lowers (10 reps):

    Strengthen your core and improve lower back stability with this hanging leg raise variation. Keep your core engaged and lower your legs slowly with control.

  • Arm Climbs (10 reps):

    This fun and challenging exercise will get your heart rate up and work your entire upper body. 

Cool Down

Don't forget to take a few minutes to cool down after your workout. Stretch your arms, chest, shoulders, and back to prevent muscle soreness.

This workout is a great way to challenge your back and build some serious pulling strength. Remember, focus on proper form over heavy weights, and listen to your body. Push yourself, but don't sacrifice good technique. With consistent effort, you'll be rocking a stronger, more sculpted back in no time!

Want to try a workout like this in person? Book your first session at Fulcrum Fitness!


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