Step Up Your Game: A 12-Minute AMRAP Hiking Workout for Hikers and Adventurers ️

Portlander feeling strong on a hike after hiking workouts by Fulcrum Fitness

Hey hiking enthusiasts! Feeling those pre-hike jitters? Want to make sure you're absolutely trail-ready? This 12-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout is designed to target all the key muscle groups you'll use to conquer the trail.

What is AMRAP?

AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. In this workout, you'll complete as many rounds of the circuit below within the 12-minute timeframe. Rest for a short period between exercises (think 10-15 seconds) and aim to transition quickly to maximize your workout time.

The Hiking Workout:

1. Incline or Decline Push-up (5-10 reps)

This exercise strengthens your pushing muscles, particularly your chest, shoulders, and triceps. It also engages your core for stability.


If a full push-up (either incline or decline) is too challenging, you can perform a modified push-up on your knees or use a resistance band.

2. Platform Step-Up Exercises (5 reps per leg)

This exercise mimics the hiking motion of stepping up and down uneven terrain. It strengthens your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, all crucial for powerful uphill strides.


Find a sturdy bench, step, or box that's challenging but achievable for your height. Step up onto the platform with one leg, then bring your other leg up to join it. Step back down with the same leg you used to step up, then repeat with the other leg. That's 1 rep. 

Grab weight that is challenging for five reps - or better yet grab your pack to really mimic the trail.

3. Rotational Box Jump (5 reps per side)

This exercise incorporates a plyometric jump, building lower body power and explosiveness, which will come in handy when navigating tricky sections of the trail. The rotational element adds an extra core challenge.


Find the same sturdy platform you used for the step-ups. Stand facing away from the platform. Jump explosively onto the platform, turning your midsection 180 degrees as you land so you're now facing forward. Step back down and repeat, jumping and turning to face away from the platform again. That's 1 rep per side.

Warm-up and Cool-down:

Don't forget to warm up before diving into this workout with some light cardio and dynamic stretches to prep your muscles. After you complete your AMRAP rounds, take some time to cool down with static stretches to improve flexibility and prevent soreness.

Ready to hit the trails?

This workout will build strength, have you sweating, and improve your overall endurance, all of which will translate to a more enjoyable and efficient hiking experience. Remember, listen to your body and take breaks when needed. And most importantly, have fun conquering all your adventures this spring!

Want to try a workout like this in person? Book your first session at Fulcrum Fitness!


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