The Single Arm Kettlebell Clean: A Powerful Exercise for All Fitness Levels

The Single Arm Kettlebell Clean is a full-body exercise that works your legs, hips, core, shoulders, and back. It's a great way to build strength, power, and athleticism. We also consider it a functional exercise, since it strengthens patterns we often use in real-world movements. It's also a foundational movement for Kettlebell workouts. You are likely to see it as part of many complex workouts, so putting time into practicing it will make your Kettlebell flows smoother and stronger.

How to do a single arm kettlebell clean:

  1. Start with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet.

  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outward.

  3. Hinge down and grab the kettlebell with one hand, making sure to keep your back straight.

  4. Drive your hips forward and stand up, pulling the kettlebell up to your shoulder.

  5. Catch the kettlebell in the rack position, with your elbow high and your wrist straight.

Tips for beginners:

  • If you're new to kettlebell cleans, start with a lighter weight.

  • Master the form before increasing the weight.

  • Practice! KB Cleans take time to master. Trust the process and keep practicing. 


There are a few different variations of the single arm kettlebell clean that you can try. Here are a few examples:

  • Hang clean: This variation starts with the kettlebell in the hang position, which is with the kettlebell just below your knees and your arms fully extended. From there, you swing the kettlebell up to your shoulder and catch it in the rack position.

  • Power clean: This variation is similar to the hang clean, but you add a slight dip at the knees before swinging the kettlebell up to your shoulder. The dip helps you to generate more power and lift the kettlebell higher.

  • Squat clean: This variation combines the clean with a front squat. From the rack position, you lower your body down into a front squat and then stand back up, cleaning the kettlebell to your shoulder.

The single arm kettlebell clean is a great exercise for people of all fitness levels. It's a challenging exercise that can help you to improve your overall fitness level. If you're new to kettlebell cleans, start with a lighter weight and master the form before increasing the weight. 

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