Matrix Update: Spring Strength Progressions

After a successful first month of focus strength moves in Team Training, we’ve decided to switch to a seasonal rotation. This will allow us to provide more time for each movement and give you the opportunity to really grow with it.

For the remainder of Spring, you can expect to see the following:

  • Strength Progressions: We’ll be gradually increasing the weight you lift on each movement. This will help you build strength and improve technique. 

  • New Variations (Movement Progressions): For those of you who are on track to max out your strength on a particular movement, we’ll introduce new variations to keep things challenging.

  • Educational Content: Our team is excited to share more about why and how this new progressive system can help you improve your fitness practice.

Here are the specific progressions you can expect to see this spring in our focus movements:

Conventional Deadlift

The conventional deadlift is a compound exercise that works a variety of muscles throughout the body, including the hamstrings, glutes, back, and core. It is a great exercise for building strength and muscle mass.

  • Improved Form: We’ll start by focusing on improving your form on the deadlift. This will help you lift more weight safely and effectively.

  • Increased Weight: Once you're confident in the movement pattern, we’ll start increasing the weight. We’ll do this gradually, week over week, for a safe progression.

  • Single Leg Variations: Once you’ve maxed out your strength on the conventional deadlift, we’ll introduce single leg variations. These variations will help you build unilateral strength and balance.

Pull Up

Pull ups are a great exercise for building back and grip strength, and can be a milestone for many of us. This Spring we’ll use a variety of progression techniques to improve your pull up practice.

  • Lat Pulls, dead hangs, and other pre pull up strength builders: If you can’t do a pull up yet, we’ll start by building your strength with lat pulls, dead hangs, and other pre pull up strength movements.

  • Negatives: Once you’re ready to get on the bar, we’ll introduce negatives. Negatives are when you jump up to the top of the pull up and then slowly lower yourself down. Building strength in the eccentric portion of the movement.

  • Band Assisted: Similarly we’ll use band assisted pull ups, which can build confidence in your full range of motion.

  • Tempo variations: For those with a strong pull up practice will add in tempo variations. Changing the speed or adding holds to strengthen specific portions of your movement pattern. 

  • Weighted: Once you’re cranking out bodyweight pull ups like a pro, we can introduce a weight belt to continue your strength progression.

Split Squat

The split squat is a great exercise for building strength in the legs and glutes, while also improving balance and coordination.

  • Improved Form: Expect to see your form improve with Split Squats as we continue to get more repetition in. 

  • Increased Weight: Each week consider choosing heavier weights, challenging yourself to maintain good form, even under an increasing load.

  • RFE Split Squats: Once you’ve maxed out your strength on the split squat, we’ll introduce rear foot elevated (RFE) split squats. These variations will help you build unilateral strength and balance, while biassing our glutes.

Single Arm Half Kneeling Overhead Press

The single arm half kneeling overhead press is a great movement to build strength and stability. 

  • Improved Form: Overhead pressing safely looks a little different for everyone. We’ll continue to improve your overhead press form, adding in mobility and accessory movements when needed.

  • Increased Weight: Based on your shoulder mobility and stability, we’ll start to increase weight week over week. Being mindful of proper form with each jump. 

  • Stability variations: Once you’ve maxed out your strength on the single arm half kneeling overhead press, we’ll introduce stability variations. These variations will continue to help your shoulder get stronger and more stable.

We’re excited to see how much you can improve with these new progressions! Our team of Fitpros will be right beside you, offering guidance and support the whole way. This is brand new territory for us all. We appreciate everyone who has already offered feedback on this new system, and welcome more as we continue to grow and evolve. If you’re interested in beta testing the software tracking system, please email

See you on Strength Day!


Breaking Down the Single Arm Chest Press and Double KB Front Squat
